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Females Only


SAFETY CHECK! Before you schedule your appointment, let’s make sure your illness is appropriate for a telehealth setting. Telehealth visits have their limitations, and the symptoms/conditions listed below are NOT telehealth appropriate! If you are experiencing ANY of the following symptoms or conditions in addition to your urinary symptoms, consider seeking alternative care for evaluation of vital signs, in-person physical exam, and other diagnostics.

1) Flank/kidney pain?

2) Vaginal itching and/or discharge?

3) Currently pregnant?

4) Do you have a urinary catheter in place?

5) Unable to urinate?

6) Do you have a history of frequent urinary tract infections that are resistant to multiple antibiotics?

7) MALE PATIENTS: if you are experiencing urinary symptoms, you will need to seek medical care in person. Unfortunately, accurately diagnosing these symptoms in males can be complicated and typically requires appropriate testing to rule out certain infections specific to males, such as prostatitis, STDs, urethritis, kidney stones, balanitis, etc.

"I acknowledge that I am not experiencing any of the above symptoms/conditions."